Documents and Maps
The General Plan update process was completed in July 2023, following a multi-year process that involved extensive community outreach. On July 18, 2023, the Glenn County Board of Supervisors voted to adopt the General Plan Update and certify the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
The adopted General Plan can be downloaded here (pdf).
Housing Element Revisions
Following submittal to the California Department of Housing and Community Development for review, revisions were made to the 6th Cycle Housing Element Housing Plan and Background Report. Download the Housing Element below.
Housing Element (February 2024 minor revisions) - revisions highlighted in green
Housing Element (December 2023 minor revisions) - revisions shown in track changes
Housing Element (September 2023 minor revisions) - revisions highlighted in yellow
Adopted Housing Element (July 2023)
Final EIR
The project team has completed the Final EIR (pdf). The Final EIR includes all public comments received on the Draft EIR, written responses to those comments, and minor edits and revisions to the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR is formally incorporated by reference into the Final EIR.
Draft General Plan
The project team has completed a Draft comprehensive update to the Glenn County General Plan. The Draft General Plan document (pdf) has been developed to meet all applicable requirements of State law, and was crafted with extensive input from the local community. The Draft General Plan includes the following elements:
- Land Use
- Circulation
- Agriculture
- Economic Development
- Conservation and Sustainability
- Community Services Facilities
- Safety
- Noise
- Implementation
Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
The project team has completed the Draft EIR for the General Plan Update. The Draft EIR analyzes the potential environmental impacts associated with adoption and implementation of the General Plan. The EIR is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The County will accept comments on the Draft EIR through March 17, 2023 at 5pm.
The Draft EIR can be downloaded here (pdf).
The Draft EIR Appendices can be downloaded here (pdf).
Provision of Comments: Members of the public and other interested agencies and individuals are invited to provide comments on the Glenn County General Plan Update and Draft EIR. All Comments in response to this notice must be submitted in writing at the address below, or via email, by the close of the 45-day review period, which is 5:00 PM on March 17, 2023:
Mardy Thomas, Director
Glenn County Dept. of Planning and Community Development Services
225 N. Tehama Street
Willows, CA 95988
Working Draft General Plan
The GPAC will review the Working Draft General Plan (pdf) at its next meeting on March 2, 2022 at 6pm. This will be the final GPAC meeting, and provides the group with an opportunity to review the entire Draft General Plan document, including Land Use Maps, that have been developed by the GPAC over the past two years. Following the GPAC's review, the Draft General Plan will be forwarded to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors for review and comment.
The March 2nd GPAC meeting will occur at 6pm at the Planning and Community Development Services offices, located at 225 N. Tehama Street in Willows.
Public Review Draft Housing Element
The Public Review Draft Housing Element (pdf) is available for public comment through January 28, 2022 (see flyer for information on public review). The Planning Commission will hold a workshop to receive public comment on January 19, 2022. Submit written comments to:
Mardy Thomas, Glenn County Planning & Community Development Services
225 N Tehama St.,
Willows, CA 95988
or by e-mail to: Comments are due on January 28, 2022
Working Draft Land Use Map
As part of the General Plan Update, the GPAC and the project team have worked to refine and update the Countywide Land Use Map. The most current working versions of the Land Use Maps are provided below.
Countywide (pdf)
Artois (pdf)
Glenn (pdf)
Hamilton City (pdf)
I-5 Corridor (pdf)
Orland (pdf)
Willows (pdf)
• Newsletter #1, May 2019 (pdf)
• Newsletter #2, February 2020 (pdf)
• Newsletter #3, January 2023 (pdf)
Opportunities and Constraints Report
Based on public input from community visioning workshops, information contained in the Existing Conditions Report, stakeholder interviews, and direction from County staff, this report (pdf) identifies key issues and opportunities to be addressed in the General Plan and summarizes input provided by participants of the visioning workshops. This Opportunities and Constraints Report (pdf) provides the GPAC, the Planning Commission, and the Board of Supervisors with tools and information for the development of the General Plan Policy Document and associated Land Use and Circulation Maps.
Existing Conditions Report
The Existing Conditions Report (pdf) takes a "snapshot" of Glenn County's current (2019) trends and conditions. It provides a detailed description of a wide range of topics within the county, such as demographic and economic conditions, land use, public facilities, safety constraints, and environmental resources. The Existing Conditions Report provides decision-makers, the public, and local agencies with context for making policy decisions.
Community Vision
The Glenn County General Plan’s Community Vision (pdf) is an aspirational statement of what Glenn County wants to become through the implementation of its General Plan. The Vision Statement provides a sense of purpose and mission for the General Plan Update, and sets the tone for the Plan’s guiding principles and core values to aid in the development of goals, policies and actions that will guide development in the coming years.
Outreach Summary Report
This report (pdf) provides an overview of the outreach activities that have been conducted to date (Visioning Workshops, Online Survey, etc.) and includes a detailed summary of all of the public input received.
Land Use Map Change Applications
As part of the General Plan update, the County is providing property owners an opportunity to request changes to the land use designations on their parcels. Download the application (pdf) to learn more about the process. The deadline for the submittal of applications has been extended until April 17, 2020.