Commission and Board Meetings

Upcoming Events

General Plan Advisory Committee - Current list of GPAC members (pdf)
• No meetings scheduled at this time

Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission
• No meetings scheduled at this time

Past Events

Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission

Board of Supervisors Status Update, December 1, 2020
Glenn BOS Update (pdf)

Board of Supervisors General Plan Kickoff Meeting - April 2, 2019
Presentation (pdf)

General Plan Advisory Committee - Current list of GPAC members (pdf)

GPAC Meeting #9- Review of Draft General Plan, March 2, 2022
The GPAC conducted its final meeting to review the entire Working Draft General Plan to provide final comments and recommendations on the Draft General Plan before it is forwarded to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors for review and input.
Meeting Memo (pdf)

GPAC Meeting #8 - Draft Agriculture, Conservation/Open Space, & Public Services elements, August 18, 2021
This meeting focused on the draft Agriculture, Conservation/Open Space, and Public Services elements.
Meeting Memo (pdf)

The GPAC meeting packet can be downloaded here (pdf)

GPAC Meeting #7 - Policy Review, June 2, 2021
This meeting focused on the GPAC's review and input on draft elements covering the General Plan topics of Circulation and Economic Development
Meeting Memo

GPAC Meeting #6 - Policy Review, January 1, 2021
This meeting focused on the GPAC's review and input on draft elements covering the General Plan topics of Land Use, Safety, and Noise.
Meeting Memo

GPAC Meeting #5 - Land Use Map Refinement, September 16, 2020
The meeting focused on land use related issues, and potential changes to the County's Land Use Map.
Memo with supporting maps (pdf)

GPAC Meeting #4 - Land Use Map Refinement, September 2, 2020
The meeting focused on land use related issues, and potential changes to the County's Land Use Map.
Memo with supporting maps (pdf)

GPAC Meeting #3 - Land Use Mapping, March/April 2020
The GPAC was asked to work remotely and independently to develop ideas and concepts to update the Land Use Map.
GPAC Mapping Memo (pdf)

GPAC Meeting #2 - 3/4/2020
The meeting focused on land use related issues, and potential changes to the County's Land Use Map.
Agenda (pdf)
Memo (pdf)
Existing Conditions Report Reading Assignment (pdf)
Opportunities and Constraints Report Reading Assignment (pdf)

GPAC Meeting #1 - Introduction and Kickoff, November 19th, 2019
Agenda (pdf)
Memo (pdf)
Presentation (pdf)